Comment by PACO2on Apr 13, 2022 8:11pm

Post# 34602338
RE:RE:$6 or less for years now
RE:RE:$6 or less for years nowDoesnt really matter because you know its the Baltic states next .
If Putin keeps going it means 100 % world war - we all know this
If He pushes into Finland - you and I are in it too.
When I was a child I read about the Fins and how they fought and fiercely beat Russia
The Fins would destroy them
so our gold would be in good hands.
You know I bet those US nuke subs are in the Arctic Ocean now .......and its only a skip and a jump to ol' Moscow,; Leningrad...or where ever....
and besides Putin will be long dead before any of that happens
Remember Novichok is the new salt in the Putin kitchen