Post by gasoholicon Apr 15, 2022 4:47pm

Post# 34606880
Nyet to Finland
Nyet to FinlandRussia has no interest in Finland. There share a border but it is about 800 km further from Moscow than the Ukraine border. In additon to the stratigic aspect the Ukraine is a target because they have a lot of resources and arable land.
For instance Finland has 25,000 km2 arable land while Ukraine has 370,000, not to mention the Ukraine has a more favorable growing season. The Ukraine has enormous potential natural gas reserves, Finland has to import all it's oil and NG. Finland does not give Russia any better access to shipping lanes as Russia already has St Petersburg to the Baltic and Murmansk to the arctic. It took Russia 22 years of NATO expansion to finally decide to make a move on ther Ukraine, an important strategic and economic target. Our investment in Finland is safe.