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Brompton Split Banc Corp T.SBC

Alternate Symbol(s):  T.SBC.PR.A

Brompton Split Banc Corp. (the Fund) is a Canada-based mutual fund company. The Fund's investment objectives are to provide holders of Preferred shares with fixed, cumulative, preferential quarterly cash distributions and to return the original issue price of $10.00 per Preferred share to shareholders at maturity and to provide holders of Class A shares with regular monthly cash distributions, targeted to be at least $0.10 per Class A share, and the opportunity for growth in Net Asset Value per Class A share. The Fund invests in a portfolio of common shares of the six Canadian banks. In addition, the Fund may hold up to 10% of the total assets of the portfolio directly in investments in global financial companies or indirectly through exchange-traded funds for the purposes of enhanced diversification and return potential. The Fund's manager is Brompton Funds Limited.

TSX:SBC - Post by User

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  • flamingogoldX
Post by flamingogoldon Nov 29, 2024 10:07am
Post# 36337337

Unit NAV now $21.35

Unit NAV now $21.35or $11.25 for commons. Lots and lots of cushion. Yield 11.45% and yet trading at an 8% discount. Love it.
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