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Scandium International Mining Corp T.SCY

Primary Symbol: V.SCY Alternate Symbol(s):  SCYYF

Scandium International Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company. The Company’s advanced project is the Nyngan Scandium Project, located in New South Wales, Australia (the Nyngan Scandium Project), on which it holds a mine lease grant, a development consent, and 100% of the mineral rights. The Nyngan Scandium Project site is located approximately 450 kilometers (km) northwest of Sydney, New South Wales (NSW), Australia and approximately 20 km due west from the town of Nyngan. The Company has a 100% interest in an exploration license (EL 7977) covering the Honeybugle Scandium property. The Honeybugle Scandium property covers over 34.7 square kilometers and is located 24 km from the Nyngan Scandium Project. The property includes four distinct magnetic anomalies: Seaford, Woodlong, Yarran Park and Mallee Valley. The Company's subsidiaries include EMC Metals Australia Pty. Ltd., EMC Metals USA Inc., Scandium International Mining Corp. Norway AS and others.

TSXV:SCY - Post by User

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  • AllDutch1234567X
Post by AllDutch1234567on Mar 15, 2022 11:14am
Post# 34515096

Raise capital for CMR Project, beginning in late 2022

Raise capital for CMR Project, beginning in late 2022 From the 10-K, dated March 11, 2022

Principal Projects - Planned Activities for 2022-2023
The following development steps are planned for the Company’s initiatives in 2022 and 2023:

• Continue and complete the 15-month Phoenix CMR Project development program, including test work, pilot plant studies, and high grade financial and costing studies required to take Final Investment Decision (FID). Work is scheduled to complete by end 2022.
• Investigate and identify suitable customers for products planned for CMR production,
Seek additional copper industry host(s) for additional CMR Project developments.
• Seek possible non-mine partners or collaborations that will support an HPA project, specifically targeting opportunities in North America and Europe.
With results of a successful CMR development program with NGM, raise capital for a Phoenix CMR Project, beginning in late 2022.
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