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Scandium International Mining Corp T.SCY

Primary Symbol: V.SCY Alternate Symbol(s):  SCYYF

Scandium International Mining Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company. The Company’s advanced project is the Nyngan Scandium Project, located in New South Wales, Australia (the Nyngan Scandium Project), on which it holds a mine lease grant, a development consent, and 100% of the mineral rights. The Nyngan Scandium Project site is located approximately 450 kilometers (km) northwest of Sydney, New South Wales (NSW), Australia and approximately 20 km due west from the town of Nyngan. The Company has a 100% interest in an exploration license (EL 7977) covering the Honeybugle Scandium property. The Honeybugle Scandium property covers over 34.7 square kilometers and is located 24 km from the Nyngan Scandium Project. The property includes four distinct magnetic anomalies: Seaford, Woodlong, Yarran Park and Mallee Valley. The Company's subsidiaries include EMC Metals Australia Pty. Ltd., EMC Metals USA Inc., Scandium International Mining Corp. Norway AS and others.

TSXV:SCY - Post by User

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  • AllDutch1234567X
Post by AllDutch1234567on Jul 08, 2022 7:17am
Post# 34810438

Give Peter and the board some time to work out their plans

Give Peter and the board some time to work out their plans3.4 million in the bank and then go into hibernation? I don't think so. It takes a few months to come up with a new go-to-market strategy. Be patient.

I wonder if the Russian boycott, Sweden planning to join NATO and anti-Russian sentiments have any effect on this collaboration?
Granges (and probably others) looking for a new supplier? A renewed opportunity for SCY?

From the June 6, news release:

Interim CEO Peter Evensen commented, “We are gratified to see the investor response to the Company’s strategy to rededicate itself to Scandium given the increased potential for scandium-aluminum alloys.

Scandium International Chairman William Harris commented, “The closing of this placement’s second tranche puts the Company in its best cash position in several years, without any debt. I want to congratulate everyone involved for the successful, upsized placement, especially given the recent volatility in markets. With this capital, the Company can start to look ahead as the Board and Management see the acceleration of the scandium market’s development. The Board and Management look forward to sharing with the market more information on its future plans to preserve and enhance the value of the Company’s scandium portfolio.”

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