Comment by Zerosumon Sep 21, 2022 2:28pm

Post# 34977091
RE:RE:RE:RE:stewardship lacking.
RE:RE:RE:RE:stewardship lacking.Rio Tinto being a larger company does not think like that. they have world wide operations they just ised cash to pay out Turquise hill what other expenses do they have all around the globe? 150-300 million may not sound like a lot but when this years budget is blown due to Oyu Tolgoi, you get the picture. I'm not saying the budget is blown for 2022 but all things need to be considered. Maybe RF picks up Nyngan then Rio has to buy it off of him. Or he scoops the nearest asset to production for Scandium. But I agree RT should just pick it up quick. Besides there's HPA in Nyngan as well should SC fail to ever reach a demand point.