Post by Shermandrock1on Sep 25, 2024 12:25pm

Post# 36240404
There you have it folks: Rudi and Ken
There you have it folks: Rudi and KenRudi, kindly call Ken at 1-604-559-8092. Ken, kindly call Rudi at 1-416-367-9292. You should arrange for a private meeting then simultaneously drop your drawers and measure up. That accomplished and out of they way, you need to initiate a plan for the way forward. Yes, both projects are "world class". However, if they are not brought into production, they are "world stupid". Continued litigation and "egoation" is the path that does not lead to success. Projects like each of these are uncommon. That said, each party should recognize the location of these projects and the development difficulties they will individually encounter. Working together, there will be ample opportunity for knowledge and cost sharing and cost avoidance. Lastly folks, please do not continue down the path of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. There is ample opportunity for multiple winners here. All shareholders deserve to benefit from the development of these projects. It is not just the Rudi & Ken show. Please pick up the phones and initiate the makings of a legacy project.