Comment by fordsteron Oct 17, 2024 10:47am

Post# 36269904
RE:RE:Defend all you want CSK
RE:RE:Defend all you want CSKCorrect Sign!....I just know that Stansberry and Associates still maintains Tudor as a buy on their Commodity Supercycle which has been spot on since I've been a member from early 2000. During that time I've seen editors come and go. John Doody's GSA came and went. As I believe, Doody was an advisor to Seabridge (I'm not 100% sure) but there appeared to be some relationship between Doody and Seabridge as Doody would sing Seabridge praises through out the more: hmmm
I could be totally wrong, but I just tried to find Seabridge anywhere on their site...I can't even locate the new guy who was suppose to cover the GSA recommendations: But Tudor remains a buy.
"This is an issue between Tudor and Seabridge"
Sign, Tudor is a first class company started by, invested by and directed by the ultimate best and world renouned people: Walter Storm, Ken Konkin and Eric Sprott. Of course they're going to have the support and blessing of the First Nations and have them involved in the running and management of Tudor....God bless the Judicial system for justice.