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SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust T.SRU.UN

Alternate Symbol(s):  CWYUF

SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust (the Trust) is a Canada-based fully integrated real estate investment trust. The Trust develops, leases, constructs, owns and manages shopping centers, office buildings, high-rise and low-rise condominiums and rental residences, seniors’ housing, townhome units, self-storage rental facilities, and industrial facilities in Canada. It is focused on development, ownership, management and operation of investment properties located in Canada. The Trust portfolio features approximately 195 strategically located properties in communities across the country. The Trust’s subsidiaries include Smart Limited Partnership, Smart Limited Partnership II, Smart Limited Partnership III, Smart Limited Partnership IV, Smart Oshawa South Limited Partnership, Smart Oshawa Taunton Limited Partnership, Smart Boxgrove Limited Partnership, ONR Limited Partnership, ONR Limited Partnership I, and SmartVMC West Limited Partnership.

TSX:SRU.UN - Post by User

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  • Possibleidiot01X
Post by Possibleidiot01on Oct 31, 2024 5:54pm
Post# 36291461

Andrew Moffs -BNN - HOLD

Andrew Moffs -BNN - HOLD

He's generally positive on retail across Canada. WMT is its largest tenant, with very good credit; but doesn't pay a lot in terms of "escalators" on rents. Lower growth profile than other opportunities. Last quarter, income growth just 1.3%. Own it for a consistent yield; previously not covered, but now it is. 

investment companies / funds
Unknown if he owns

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