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Supremex Inc T.SXP

Alternate Symbol(s):  SUMXF

Supremex Inc. is a Canada-based company, which manufactures and markets envelopes and provides paper-based packaging solutions designed to the specifications of national and multinational corporations, direct mailers, resellers, government entities, small-medium enterprises (SMEs) and solutions providers. The Company operates in two reporting segments: the manufacturing and sale of envelopes and the manufacturing and sale of paper-based packaging solutions and specialty products. It also manufactures and distributes a diverse range of packaging and specialty products, including folding carton packaging and e-Commerce fulfillment packaging solutions. Other packaging and specialty products include the Conformer Products, labels, record sleeves and jackets, polyethylene bags for courier applications, bubble mailers and Enviro-logiX. It operates over ten manufacturing facilities across four provinces in Canada and five manufacturing facilities in three states in the United States.

TSX:SXP - Post by User

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Post by retiredcfon Jun 26, 2023 8:25am
Post# 35514176

Canaccord Initiate Coverage

Canaccord Initiate Coverage

While Canaccord Genuity analyst Matthew Lee thinks 2023 could bring “some softness related to customer inventory levels and acquisition integration,” he sees the investing thesis for envelope manufacturer SupremeX Inc. (SXP-T) as “compelling,” pointing to its “substantial cash flow generation, organic growth opportunity in packaging, and M&A track record.”

Calling its valuation “attractive” given its shift towards packaging, he initiated coverage with a “buy” recommendation on Monday.

“Supremex is a Quebec-based envelope and packaging firm that we believe offers investors a solid combination of growth and cash flow buttressed by its prudent M&A strategy,” he said. “The envelope segment provides traditional mailing envelopes to large corporate clients primarily focused on billing and direct advertising. The packaging segment centres on specialized containers built for consumer products. In our view, the combination of Supremex’s two businesses allow the firm to generate substantial cash flows, which can then be reinvested into areas of secular growth”

Mr. Lee set a target of $8.50 per share. The current average on the Street is $9.91.

“The envelope business has counteracted secular industry declines by wielding its 90-per-cent Canadian market share to protect rates while growing the U.S. footprint to offset volume losses,” he said. “On the packaging front, SXP has built out a robust product suite through acquisitions, which we expect will benefit from the longterm growth of the industry and expanding North American market share.”

“SXP trades at a reasonable 3.5 times EV/ F23E EBITDA, which we believe could be fair for a declining envelope business but likely understates the value of packaging, with comparables trading at 7.5 times. As SXP continues its shift towards packaging, we expect a meaningful revaluation could occur.”

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