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TELUS Digital (Cda) Inc T.TIXT

Alternate Symbol(s):  TIXT

TELUS Digital (Cda) Inc., formerly TELUS International (Cda) Inc., is a digital customer experience (CX) innovator that designs, builds and delivers solutions, including artificial intelligence (AI) and content moderation, for global and disruptive brands. The Company’s services support the full lifecycle of its clients’ digital transformation journeys, enabling them to embrace more digital technologies to deliver business outcomes. Its portfolio of capabilities spans digital customer experience and digital solutions, including digital IT services, such as cloud solutions and AI-fueled automation, trust and safety services, AI data solutions, including expertise in computer vision, and front-end digital design and consulting services. Fuel iX is its proprietary GenAI engine, helping enterprises advance their GenAI pilots to working prototypes and production at scale across multiple environments, applications and clouds. It partners with brands across strategic industry verticals.

TSX:TIXT - Post by User

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  • Possibleidiot01X
Post by Possibleidiot01on Jul 05, 2024 11:54pm
Post# 36120851

Mike Vinokur - BNN - Buy

Mike Vinokur - BNN - Buy

Suspects business will be great. Energy prices, and population growth in Western Canada will ensure strength of this business. Would recommend buying this business compared to BCE. Strong management team with legacy assets. 

Unknown if he owns

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