Comment by bartno12001on Sep 23, 2024 4:49pm

Post# 36237168
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:This stock is still cheap.
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:This stock is still cheap.frost there is a chance for sure that telus buys out tixt. TD analyst said a month ago or so but then telus came out and said they have no intention of buying tixt. who knows. buyout could be close to $10 or US$7.50 as per TD. i am accumulating shares and willing to hold. right now quite a few insiders bought so I am following them. it has come down a lot and risk/reward is very good.
overall my plan is to hold and try to get $8 per share before i start selling. so if it happens after some good quarterly numbers or if it happens due to buyout i will take either. right now i hold 5500 shares and i will buy up to 10000 shares (sitting on decent amount of cash) if it continues to go down. this year has been quite profitable for me so i am willing to take the risk.
if it goes to 3 or below (could happen after another bad quarter) lets say 2.50-2.75 then i will definitely sell shares of other companies and potentially buy another 10000 shares. that will be my max 20k shares. there is almost no chance tixt goes bankrupt so you are really getting a good opportunity to make some money.
i researched this a lot and willing to take the risk. rarely i have seen an opportunity like this when a company owned by a large cap company like telus is down that much (90% down from its highest point), telus buying shares, insiders buying 100k shares each and almost no chance of bankruptcy. but you never know. the stock could continue to go down and the sales could be affected long term and tixt may never recover and may even go as low as $1..there is always a risk. see what makes sense to you.