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Frost19 wrote: I don't plan to sell for awhile. Telus is still buying up shares ATM and supporting the share price up to $5.20, at minumum. I also think the 700M Telus raised in August was designated for TIXT, either in a buyout or ATM or mix of both. Maybe they don't use it all but they have the cash ready to buy out all the remaining shares anytime they want. Telus is also TIXT largest customer, they can easily front load revenue into Q3 leading to a blowout quarter. There are also other macro tailwinds. Interest expense is the #1 killer of FCF for TIXT. It's increased significatly in 2024 as rates have increased and will do the opposite going forward as rates come down. I think TIXT is a solid company that generates strong FCF and the stock is just way oversold. That being said, it needs to "turn around" which they've already started with leadership and re-branding changes in August. I believe I can get exceptional returns on this investment. If nothing changes, I'll be holding until at least Q3 earnings come out.
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