Comment by metalhead666on Dec 01, 2024 2:43pm

Post# 36339725
RE:RE:RE:maybe its just nonsense talk lol
RE:RE:RE:maybe its just nonsense talk lolI have to add...that while the "games of the past" may indeed be coming to an end, what they'll be replaced with is far worse. Take Trumps pick to head the FBI....he's an avowd bootlicker to the orange man who's pledged to go after journalists who dared question the lies of Dear Leader. Remind you of anything? East Germany, NAZI Germany, Stalist Russia, Mao China, Pol Pot? There were over 60 court cases over election fraud many with Republican cult member judges.....NONE of them found anything amiss...and yet....The pathological liar in chief and all his dedicated loyal cult members to this day still claim that Biden "stole" the election....funny that they could steal the last one but not the most recent one. This is what we're going to get for being so stupid....a totalitarian minded government who in all of history 1st silenced the press, then the opposition, then the judges and finally everyone. me one example where that ever worked out.
Want the 10 commandments and christian prayers said in every school? You're going to get it. Want the laws to be changed so that the Fuhrer gets a life appointment? Want your neighbors to be arrested in the middle of the night on suspicion of anti Trumpism? What America to look like Iran or Turkey or any of the other lunatic theocracies across the globe?
It's all about control...always was and always will be but this time its an order of magnitude greater and I'll wager anyone that within months every stupid bumkin that doned their maga hat and voted in the bubbling mentally ill dictator wanna be will be quietly burning them in their coal fired furnaces