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Taseko Mines Ltd T.TKO

Alternate Symbol(s):  TGB

Taseko Mines Limited is a Canada-based copper focused mining company. The Company's principal assets are the 100% owned Gibraltar mine (Gibraltar), which is located in central British Columbia and is one of the largest copper mines in North America and the Florence Copper project, which is under construction. The Company also owns the Yellowhead copper, New Prosperity gold-copper, and Aley niobium projects. The Florence Copper project is located south of Phoenix in the community of Florence, Arizona. The Yellowhead Project is located in the Thompson-Nicola region of British Columbia, approximately 150 kilometers (km) northeast of Kamloops near the town of Vavenby. The Aley niobium project is located in northeast British Columbia. The New Prosperity property is located in south-central British Columbia and hosts one of the most significant copper and gold deposits in Canada. It is also located in an area of cultural significance to the Tsilhqot'in Nation, known as Teztan Biny and Nabas.

TSX:TKO - Post by User

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  • metalhead666X
Comment by metalhead666on Dec 06, 2024 6:58pm
Post# 36350473

RE:RE:RE:RE:25 years and still waiting for my first dividend

RE:RE:RE:RE:25 years and still waiting for my first dividend I'll add too that market cap to NPV is the most reliable way I know to make money in the mining sector. You can gamble on drill results and discovery plays but they are pure lottery tickets.  You could buy a major like Barrick and have made no money for 10 years despite record high gold prices....or....

You look for situations like TGB where the NPV of just one project is 4 to 5x the entire market cap of the company.  

Mines with a future trade at severe discounts to future NPV to account for all the inherent risks. If successful they will rerate and trend towards 1x NPV.  Artemis and Skeena are 2 I've bought at 10 to 20% of NPV when a feasibility study was out and they have steadily climbed towards that 1x NPV

I have no doubt that Florence will trend towards 1x NPV also. At a minimum that's $1 BILLION US or twice the current market cap of Taseko. You get Gibraltar, Yellowhead, New Prosperity and the other holdings for free. 

If they never do anything besides getting Florence up to nameplate the stock should double

Realistically with copper at $5 or more it should see TGB stock 5 times the current price

If they execute and Yellowhead becomes a reality then you can add that valuation on top

It's going to take a while and you want to see sentiment re-ignite like it did when EVs were all the rage. Right now copper is boring. China is a worry. Trump is a worry and Crypto and other junk from Reddit and Wall St Bets is stealing all the thunder

But that will change. Now is the time to build positions...over time...slowly and when it gets all red hot again you unload them don't chase, you don't add, you don't project into the take the hot money and call it a win and move on

I've done this many times.  TGB is my girl now. It's the only stock I own besides a small starter position in Arizona Sonoran and its CEO George's a solid project that again is at 10% or so of NPV and destined to rerate towards 1x NPV over time

It's a simple formula that doesn't rely on hype, hope, drill results, or anything fanciful....just get Florence built, running and up to speed and you should at least double your money
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