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Taseko Mines Ltd T.TKO

Alternate Symbol(s):  TGB

Taseko Mines Limited is a Canada-based copper focused mining company. The Company's principal assets are the 100% owned Gibraltar mine (Gibraltar), which is located in central British Columbia and is one of the largest copper mines in North America and the Florence Copper project, which is under construction. The Company also owns the Yellowhead copper, New Prosperity gold-copper, and Aley niobium projects. The Florence Copper project is located south of Phoenix in the community of Florence, Arizona. The Yellowhead Project is located in the Thompson-Nicola region of British Columbia, approximately 150 kilometers (km) northeast of Kamloops near the town of Vavenby. The Aley niobium project is located in northeast British Columbia. The New Prosperity property is located in south-central British Columbia and hosts one of the most significant copper and gold deposits in Canada. It is also located in an area of cultural significance to the Tsilhqot'in Nation, known as Teztan Biny and Nabas.

TSX:TKO - Post by User

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  • JoeStockIQX
Post by JoeStockIQon Jan 04, 2025 4:58pm
Post# 36387651

What Up Slew

What Up Slew

Per usual, you are mostly correct. Mostly. While we agree with the main points of your post, like we usually do and was witnessed by our selling out at $3 US a ways back, you're missing one point. Tax implications. Not sure how the tax structure works in Canada but here in the U.S., holding a stock for over one year has begets tax savings upon sale. We swing trade, you know that. At times, that is the way to go and a percentage of trades will still go that way for us. Howeva, after selling the bulk of our shares, we need to build up a new base for over one year holdings. Hence, rebuilding our position in TGB in the low $1.90's. We should be well positioned once big Flo gets into production. Further, IF management actually does come in below budget / on-time at Florence (as previously reported in a recent analyst report), along with the potential (likely?) tax savings management has been speaking on, those are two factors that can really bolster the negative aspects pertaining to Gib that you rightly opined upon in your post. 
So Slew, our good man, yet again we mostly agree with you BUT bring you another side of the story that illustrates why buying TGB shares under $2 US remains a solid investment. 

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