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Talon Metals Corp T.TLO

Alternate Symbol(s):  TLOFF

Talon Metals Corp. is a British Virgin Islands-based metal company. The Company operates through mineral exploration segment. The Company is focused on the exploration and development of the Tamarack Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project (the Tamarack Project) in Minnesota, the United States, which comprises the Tamarack North Project and the Tamarack South Project. The Tamarack Nickel Project comprises a land position of approximately 18 kilometers of strike length with intercepts outside the resource area. The Company is also focused on Michigan properties. The Company’s mineral properties are in the United States.

TSX:TLO - Post by User

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  • apapas1973X
Comment by apapas1973on May 04, 2021 2:38pm
Post# 33124772

RE:RE:Drill results

RE:RE:Drill results
Seahawk001 wrote: Yup and the price is down with a massive ask wall :/ can only sit n hold I guess. 

Hopefully it's just accumulation Seahawk before it runs up. I still think we're sitting on a reverse stock split soon. Not sure if that would affect it. Technically it shouldn't.
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