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Talon Metals Corp T.TLO

Alternate Symbol(s):  TLOFF

Talon Metals Corp. is a British Virgin Islands-based metal company. The Company operates through mineral exploration segment. The Company is focused on the exploration and development of the Tamarack Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project (the Tamarack Project) in Minnesota, the United States, which comprises the Tamarack North Project and the Tamarack South Project. The Tamarack Nickel Project comprises a land position of approximately 18 kilometers of strike length with intercepts outside the resource area. The Company is also focused on Michigan properties. The Company’s mineral properties are in the United States.

TSX:TLO - Post by User

Comment by Maxmoeon Aug 06, 2024 11:10am
Post# 36165945

RE:RE:Talon Metals Announces Royalty Agreement

RE:RE:Talon Metals Announces Royalty AgreementI see no reason this stock couldn't drop in half, again, before doing a roll up. Shares outstanding are irrelevant to me but raising capital at 5 or 10 or 20 cents is all the same. Near impossible except to someone "strategic" or a few crumbs from the few retail gamblers that play in this arena. The key number is market cap of $100 million PLUS, is still rich. Even at 12 cents. See you at 5 cents. Then a rollup and financing at $5.00. Ouch for the retailers getting the shaft from a knock down to 0.05, then the 100:1 roll up. But it's the only way they'll raise the $10 million USD minimum they need asap. And this is IF, BIG IF, they move HQ from the unregulated Caribbean tax shelter , BVI to an American domicile. Even Canada or London would be better, but as long as you move ..... do it right. Michigan, or Minnesota. 
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