Post by Maxmoeon Dec 06, 2024 12:43pm
Post# 36349516
All about the %
All about the %No not grade, but that's more critical than nickel. No I mean % of investors that can or will buy TLO. Too bad it's a Caribbean tax haven, and regulatory haven, incorporated company. What % of all investors buy penny mining stocks? A very small %. Now, what % of penny mining stock investors WILL not , or CAN not , invest in offshore Caribbean tax haven countries? A VERY large percentage. It might attract money laundering clients but they don't accept losses on their investments. A tough crowd. So what is left for TLO? A VERY small % of a VERY small percentage of the investor pool. Zero cdn or USA institutional or fund money. So no access to exploration or development capital. So 10 cent stock when it could be 10X that. Cmon!