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True North Commercial REIT T.TNT.UN

Alternate Symbol(s):  TUERF

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (the REIT) is a Canada-based unincorporated, open-ended real estate investment trust. The REIT is primarily focused on creating value for unitholders through the investment in and ownership of commercial properties in Canada. The REIT’s primary objective is to maximize total returns to its unitholders. Its returns include a stable, reliable, and tax-efficient monthly cash distribution as well as long-term appreciation in the value of its units through the effective management of a portfolio of commercial properties. The REIT owns and operates a portfolio of about 40 properties consisting of approximately 4.6 million square feet in urban and select strategic secondary markets across Canada focusing on long-term leases with government and credit-rated tenants. Its properties include 36 and 38 Solutions Drive, 500 Beaverbrook Court, 61 Bill Leathem Drive, 675 Cochrane Drive, and 1112 Fort Street, among others.

TSX:TNT.UN - Post by User

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  • flamingogoldX
Comment by flamingogoldon Jun 14, 2024 10:35am
Post# 36089105


RE:DrimmerWhile I am in favour of the buybacks, unfortunately we will scrape bottom until the sentiment changes. Look to MRT.UN which I hold. It's still paying at 4.5% distribution (cut 50% twice already), has ownership of 95% between two billionaires. The buying continues but the available shares are like vapour. Despite all this, the stock languishes near all time lows. Shorts expect zero. The few remaining hang onto their shares awaiting rates to break lower and negative general market sentiment to flip to positive.

impega wrote: Looks like Drimmer is intent on buying 3500 shares a day. Add to it the 4200 daily share buyback by the company and one can see the share float getting tighter and tighter.

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