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True North Commercial REIT T.TNT.UN

Alternate Symbol(s):  TUERF

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (the REIT) is a Canada-based unincorporated, open-ended real estate investment trust. The REIT is primarily focused on creating value for unitholders through the investment in and ownership of commercial properties in Canada. The REIT’s primary objective is to maximize total returns to its unitholders. Its returns include a stable, reliable, and tax-efficient monthly cash distribution as well as long-term appreciation in the value of its units through the effective management of a portfolio of commercial properties. The REIT owns and operates a portfolio of about 40 properties consisting of approximately 4.6 million square feet in urban and select strategic secondary markets across Canada focusing on long-term leases with government and credit-rated tenants. Its properties include 36 and 38 Solutions Drive, 500 Beaverbrook Court, 61 Bill Leathem Drive, 675 Cochrane Drive, and 1112 Fort Street, among others.

TSX:TNT.UN - Post by User

Post by giovincoon Nov 13, 2024 4:32pm
Post# 36311139

I'm out

I'm outWow, DD is a real dictator. Riocan achieved over 12% in lease spread so DD not doing a good job. What is his educational background? Very curious to know, how unqualified he is to run a company as it does not seem that he majored in business. Let the professionals run the company. Just because you inherit money from your parents, it does not mean you are qualified or capable of anything unless you prove otherwise. What a spoiled little kid he is, just like Mark Morabito.
He keeps saying if operating and market conditions improve. Here we are with the rallying market yet nothing for tnt.un.
I was a fool to wait a year to expect a distribution, now I am out.
Stock price would improve if the distribution was reinstated vs. the buyback continuing, so not sure what is in the best interest of the shareholders. It does not make sense as a shareholder to want buybacks as share price continues to decrease with that. Those are people who are hired as part-time posters. Buybacks would decrease market capital and it is used for downsizing companies with high risk for bankruptcies, normal company would not do that.
I will consider my loss as unluckily stepping on a dog (DD) poop.
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