Comment by Stocker46on Jan 24, 2023 11:17am

Post# 35242327
RE:RE:RE:3rd Quarter
RE:RE:RE:3rd QuarterNoticed that auburn2 likes to throw out a negative post & then disappear, refusing to respond to a request for clarification .
Talk about being disingenuous.
In the mean time, the TSL/DBM comparison is to a point of absurdity. DBM is now at $7.08 vs TSL at $3.39.
You can double TSL's share price & still be 30 cents short .. & yet, TSL's EPS for the 1st 9 months of 2022 is 40% higher than that of DBM.
Seems Doman investors are expecting 4th Q 2022 & 1st Q 2023 earnings to be much better than forcast .. we'll see if they're right?