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Tree Island Steel Ltd T.TSL

Alternate Symbol(s):  TWIRF

Tree Island Steel Ltd. is a Canada-based manufacturer and supplier of wire products for a range of applications. The Company, through its operating facilities in Canada and the United States, produces wire products for a diverse range of customers for industrial, residential construction, commercial construction and agricultural applications. The Company’s product offerings include galvanized wire, bright wire; an array of fasteners, including packaged, collated and bulk nails; stucco reinforcing products; concrete reinforcing mesh; fencing and other fabricated wire products. The Company markets its products under the Tree Island, Halsteel, TrueSpec, K-Lath, TI Wire, ToughStrand and ToughPanel brand names. The Company's subsidiary is Tree Island Wire (USA) Inc.

TSX:TSL - Post by User

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  • pennydredfulX
Comment by pennydredfulon Jan 25, 2023 8:42pm
Post# 35246786

RE:RE:RE:RE:3rd Quarter

RE:RE:RE:RE:3rd QuarterTSL  stock  lacks  liquidity  re  less  shares  outstanding  than  DBM  and   higher  %age  insider  ownership  . Their  line of products  seem to cover a less common use range of products. No analysts cover  this stock  and not sure if any quarterly conference calls. I will  give you their  NCIB  appears  active  while  DBMs is not. Auburn2   tried to point out  extra   div.  last   April   of  1.20   may  have  made TSL  less  comparable   if  one ignores it. 
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