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Tree Island Steel Ltd T.TSL

Alternate Symbol(s):  TWIRF

Tree Island Steel Ltd. is a Canada-based manufacturer and supplier of wire products for a range of applications. The Company, through its operating facilities in Canada and the United States, produces wire products for a diverse range of customers for industrial, residential construction, commercial construction and agricultural applications. The Company’s product offerings include galvanized wire, bright wire; an array of fasteners, including packaged, collated and bulk nails; stucco reinforcing products; concrete reinforcing mesh; fencing and other fabricated wire products. The Company markets its products under the Tree Island, Halsteel, TrueSpec, K-Lath, TI Wire, ToughStrand and ToughPanel brand names. The Company's subsidiary is Tree Island Wire (USA) Inc.

TSX:TSL - Post by User

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  • lifeisgood1010X
Comment by lifeisgood1010on Jul 05, 2023 7:31am
Post# 35526885

RE:RE:RE:Block trades and NCIB

RE:RE:RE:Block trades and NCIBI was wrong on this one, these block trade were not purchased by TSL.
In June TSL bought back 27722 shares taking their total to 517215 shares under the current
NCIB or 37%.

I am keeping my small position in this company because of the low valuation but there
are currently better company to buy.My favorite stock and by far is ADF group symboll
DRX on the TSX.

DRX  is winning big contracts because of it's new one of a kind in north america automated 
production line.This new line take only 1/6(one six) of the labour it was taking to do the same work.
This as translated to highly improved margins and contract winning.

There is a lot of infrastructure work for them to bid on.Their order book is growing at a fast pace

Even though DRX as gone up 70% in the last 7 weeks and is trading at a 15 year high it as 
a long way to go.

DRX is trading just under book value, it will earn at least 80 cents / share this year and could earn
more than $1 in 2024.It has a pristine balance sheet and a good portion of it's L:T debt bears no interest(loan from the Quebec gouverment for the new line expansion).

Trading at a 2023 p/e of 5 and a p/e of 2024 of 4.

At a p/e of 7 this stock will be up another 80% before year end.
Even with a p/e of 6, it would still be up more than 50% before year end.

In the last CC. management said that they could announce a second automated line for their
other plant located in Montana in Q3 of this year.

Since this is a very illiquid stock, it will bounced around to diggest the recent run up.

But with every new big contract signing and with the next few quarter results, this stock will

You just need to be in, be patient and let the market realize how cheap this stock is.
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