Comment by Malpeque2on Aug 11, 2021 4:34pm

Post# 33686561
RE:RE:JV Accounting
RE:RE:JV AccountingThere should be a new segment of operations called REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT and CONSTRUCTION, with just as much detail as we see over the past 20 years in Clublink and TWC reporting on the Golf operations.
There are 3 or 4 properties under Development. This is a Material Part of TWC business now.
Just the Residential Inventory as Highland Gate alone is $92M. I can see it on the Balance sheet. Note 5 tells us NOTHING. Highland Gate Borrowings are $36.7M, I can see that too.
Thats about it.
Now we have $10M US committed to Real Estate investments in Florida that are being managed by WHO? And money committed to one specific project in Florida. And that is about all the description and Managment Discussion and Analysis that we get?