Post by Malpeque2on Oct 16, 2023 9:04am

Post# 35684997
Eternal TWC Optimist
Eternal TWC OptimistWhy? THere is not basis for it. Rai Diworsified all that capital into automotive REIT, has gone nowhere and done nothing for TWC.
The Capital could have been used to buy you and me out at some reasonable price and TWC would be private. Instead we get to see them lose money on Highland Gate development with Geranium taken in as a partner, on a golf course with a cost basis in the land "per door" of something near zero.
Im curious Undervalue, who told you the "story" about Highland Gate having all these costs front loaded in the project, and that we will make a few dimes on this project one day way into the future on the back end?
What do people think what happens here in the Sahi empire when Rai dies? Is his daughter going to take over and run it the same way he does? That would be "worst case" secenario for us all!
Hopefully she woud sell some assets for good old $$$ and use the proceeds to pay divies, buyback stock, or go private. For the benefit of all shareholders.