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TWC Enterprises Ltd T.TWC

Alternate Symbol(s):  CLKXF

TWC Enterprises Limited is a Canada-based company engaged in golf club operations under the trademark ClubLink One Membership More Golf (ClubLink). The Company is the owner, operator and manager of golf clubs with 45.5, 18-hole equivalent championship and 2, 18-hole equivalent academy courses (including three managed properties), at about 35 locations in Ontario, Quebec and Florida. Its segments include Golf Club Operations Segment and Corporate Operations Segment. Its golf clubs are organized in clusters that are located in densely populated metropolitan areas and resort destinations frequented by those who live and work in these areas. It also offers golfers in their region a variety of membership, daily fee, corporate event and resort opportunities. ClubLink also has annual membership programs, and the product offerings include Players Card and Players Club in the Ontario/Quebec region as well as the ClubLink Card in the Florida region.

TSX:TWC - Post by User

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  • undervalueX
Post by undervalueon Aug 08, 2024 1:18pm
Post# 36169755

Woodlands story.

Woodlands story.

After a seven-year effort to redevelop Woodlands Country Club in Tamarac, 13th Floor Homes bought the closed golf course and plans to start construction this year. 


The firm paid $14 million for the roughly 270-acre golf course at 4600 Woodlands Boulevard from ClubLink US Corporation, a subsidiary of King City, Ontario-based TWC Enterprises, according to records and real estate database Vizzda. 

Fort Lauderdale-based 13th Floor Homes, led by Michael Nunziata, plans a gated community with 335 single-family homes on the site of the course, according to the firm’s news release. The project, called The Woodlands, will offer three- to five-bedroom homes, with prices ranging from the $700,000s to more than $1 million. More than 160 acres of the site will be open space and the complex will have a five-mile recreation trail. 

13th Floor Plans 335 Homes on Tamaracs Woodlands Golf Course
The Woodlands (13th Floor Homes)

Construction is expected to start late this year, and the first homes are expected to be completed late next year, the release says. 

13th Floor Homes, the homebuilding division of Arnaud Karsenti’s Miami-based 13th Floor Investments, has pushed to redevelop Woodlands since 2017, a company attorney told city officials last year. Following outreach meetings with neighbors, 13th Floor Homes revised its proposal over 100 times partly to appease concerns over the project’s density. 13th Floor slashed its proposal to 335 homes from its original plan to develop 315 houses and 480 townhouses and apartments. 

13th Floor Plans 335 Homes on Tamaracs Woodlands Golf Course
The Woodlands (13th Floor Homes)

Tamarac city commissioners gave the 335-home project final approval last year with a 3-2 vote.  

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