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TWC Enterprises Ltd T.TWC

Alternate Symbol(s):  CLKXF

TWC Enterprises Limited is a Canada-based company engaged in golf club operations under the trademark ClubLink One Membership More Golf (ClubLink). The Company is the owner, operator and manager of golf clubs with 45.5, 18-hole equivalent championship and 2, 18-hole equivalent academy courses (including three managed properties), at about 35 locations in Ontario, Quebec and Florida. Its segments include Golf Club Operations Segment and Corporate Operations Segment. Its golf clubs are organized in clusters that are located in densely populated metropolitan areas and resort destinations frequented by those who live and work in these areas. It also offers golfers in their region a variety of membership, daily fee, corporate event and resort opportunities. ClubLink also has annual membership programs, and the product offerings include Players Card and Players Club in the Ontario/Quebec region as well as the ClubLink Card in the Florida region.

TSX:TWC - Post by User

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  • undervalueX
Post by undervalueon Aug 14, 2024 1:49pm
Post# 36178908

MZO 1972 102

MZO 1972 102A sharp observed noticed that the co has now declared 360 acres at Cherry Downs to be surplus lands. See q2 report page 47.
It appears the first time that these lands are designated as such.
The province recentley removed planning powers from the Durham Region. Leaving the responsibility with Pickering City Hall as of July.
A few year back, Pickering had applied to the region to include a large chunk of lands in the North as part of the Urban boundary. This included Cherry Downs, which is not in the Green Belt.
The Region approved a large parcel of North east Pickering lands in the updated official plan. But excluded lands around the Airport. (including Cherry)
The whole area was included in a MZO, 1972 102. This was designed to keep housing away from potential runway approaches for the possible Pickering Airport 50 years ago.
In May, the Mayor of Pickering wrote to the Minister to revoke 1972 102. Clearing the way for development to the east. A full revocation will free up Cherry.
In all likelyhood the most imortant event is the region losing power.
Pickering appears to be pro housing and business. Cherry Downs is very close to the 407 and will have significant value as potential housing or employment acres if the Airport ever gets on track.
360 acres is material.

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