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TWC Enterprises Ltd T.TWC

Alternate Symbol(s):  CLKXF

TWC Enterprises Limited is a Canada-based company engaged in golf club operations under the trademark ClubLink One Membership More Golf (ClubLink). The Company is the owner, operator and manager of golf clubs with 45.5, 18-hole equivalent championship and 2, 18-hole equivalent academy courses (including three managed properties), at about 35 locations in Ontario, Quebec and Florida. Its segments include Golf Club Operations Segment and Corporate Operations Segment. Its golf clubs are organized in clusters that are located in densely populated metropolitan areas and resort destinations frequented by those who live and work in these areas. It also offers golfers in their region a variety of membership, daily fee, corporate event and resort opportunities. ClubLink also has annual membership programs, and the product offerings include Players Card and Players Club in the Ontario/Quebec region as well as the ClubLink Card in the Florida region.

TSX:TWC - Post by User

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  • undervalueX
Post by undervalueon Aug 26, 2024 11:30am
Post# 36196087

More potential for APR

More potential for APR

Converting automobile dealerships

The LaSalle site isn’t the only automobile dealership proposed to be converted to multi-residential use by HD Groupe or others.

HD Groupe, with financial partners Kastello Immobilier and Socit Financire Bourgie, acquired the site of the Fortier Ford dealership at 7000 Louis-H.-La Fontaine Blvd. in the Montreal borough of Anjou earlier this year. 

It’s proposing to develop almost 1,000 residential units on that site, which is less than 250 metres from the terminus of the Montreal Metro's Blue Line extension that’s under construction.

Leader Lane Developments recently acquired 1156 The Queensway in Etobicoke, Ont. (Toronto), a site which housed a Mercedes-Benz dealership. It plans to build a nine-storey purpose-built rental apartment and five stacked townhouses, creating from 213 to 220 units, on the property.

An affiliate of DilawriAutomotive Properties Real Estate Investment Trust’s largest shareholder, is in the process of acquiring the six-acre Markham Honda dealership site in Markham, Ont. from the REIT for $54 million. It’s considered a prime future multi-family redevelopment site.

“It's not the vocation of the business that makes a lot attractive, but rather its location,” Drolet wrote when asked what makes automobile dealerships good candidates for conversion to residential uses.

“Each opportunity is evaluated based on various criteria to determine if the site has interesting real estate potential. Location, zoning and density potential are among the elements studied during the site evaluation.”

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