Comment by screamer99on Feb 02, 2023 7:14pm

Post# 35263645
RE:RE:RE:Stephen Takacsy - BNN
RE:RE:RE:Stephen Takacsy - BNNHow about the liability related to the claims the company currently has filed against them? This liability isn't on the books and if it's as large as I think it is, it would bring down your $20 to the current share price. Management is hiding this. Why do you think that disclsoure is no longer in the MD&A? Because the situation is improving? Umm, no.
They're a capital asset intensive company serving many geographies. If the "turnaround" is complete, how can they cut an additional 50% from opex?
My thoughts anyway. I'm staying away until more quarters are released to really see how this thing plays out. Well done to those who have benefited from the recent bump! ST should be on weekly!