Comment by mjh9413on Jul 21, 2024 11:40pm

Post# 36142195
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Stephen Takacsy - BNN - HOLD
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Stephen Takacsy - BNN - HOLDYour #1 is exactly w(hat the Provison total for asbestos claims in the FY Reports from 2022 ON, IS MEANT TO BE TELLING US. There are two provisos. (a) we do NOT and never will know the actual assumptions except they employ actuarial professionals to assess the numbers, and (b) the Auditors did NOT express any opinion, negative of positive on the numbers. We can judge their validity and continuing changes in financial impact over time, but this is only reasonable if they give us the exactly same detail in their balance sheet notes on the same basis every quarter. Else we are left to look at notes given in footnotes on Admin Exlenses, which are not as comprehensive.\
Truthfully, a materail increase, say a 20% increase in the total provisions qtr over qtr (which will be known before each qtr end,) ahould be the subject of a material disclosure by the Board.
So, time to urge Board to give us this quarterly data and, when applcable, material disclosure document. In the meantime, I am hpeful the total $ asbestos provision calculation will prove to be 'reliable;.