Comment by mjh9413on Jul 22, 2024 11:20pm

Post# 36143721
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Stephen Takacsy - BNN - HOLD
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Stephen Takacsy - BNN - HOLDHere's my take on your classifications:
"New" these are either settled or provisioned in quarter, so the $ value is in the Provisions table, AND if the term acdrued in that table refers entirely to new but not settled, the picture is clearer
"Settled:" this number is also in the Notes (and should equate to number in Admin Expenses
"Outstanding": this number is also in the Notes but is complicated by it being composed of those known but unsettled (as in New) and those forecasr by the 'professionas'.
As has been stated, we need this Annual Note in the quarterlies and I have started writing to the Regulator to see if they have the will and power to enforce this. In addition I have asked about the notion of 'Material Disclosure'. However, if I remember my read on this years ago it is a "judgement' of management what is 'material.' That's our Regulators and their published mandate to protect investors!!