Post by
Indicator on May 15, 2022 2:44pm
re BC Gas Prices / Taxes ....
It is becoming more and more apparent that higher levels of government have decided the only way forward amidst the over-heating of the planet from fossil fuels, is to squeeze the already strapped consumer so hard, the masses will be forced to rush out and take a second *mortgage on a ridiculous priced electric car that will likely be obsolete in a few years as battery technology evolves. Then comes the collapse of the Electric Grid and exhorbinant costs to even use the shiny new car and/or keep the household warm in winter. (see Vancouver making Natural Gas obsolete through sky high green building targets)
The solution a few years ago, for those of us who saw this coming, was to buy some acres outside the city, where you could build an environmentally sensible home, grow some food and heat with geo thermal and wood when needed. Unfortunately that dream has now faded from sight for most young familes faced with unsustainable home prices even for very small acreage anywhere near the main BC population centres.
It's quite a messy world we have left our kids. At least they'll get soome serious cash when we finally pop off - how much any paper will be worth after all this defecit spending is another matter :-D Hence the commodity trade!
End of Sunday rant !
Comment by
1970Craig on May 15, 2022 5:07pm
Totally awesome ! So true the last part. lol