Post by
geodcan on Dec 27, 2024 7:01pm
A short squeeze is possible but
the sharefloat for older shareholders has been decimated by the 10 got you 1 share rollback and the poor Acreage shareholders got merged at 30 and 20 gets you one and that was prior to the Canopy share consolidation.
Pretty big hill to climb for individual shareholders but short squeezes can easily double shareprice for the squeezee!
I don't know what US legalization will do for our shareprice at the hammered down values so we would need to jolt Canopy's shareprice back to the $70 per share value times 10 for the recent consolidation.
Tilray's short squeeze launched when Tilray's shareprice was $150 and the benefactors got a double, so $300 value per share runup until it equalized.
My 1000 shares of Canopy is now 100 shares and my Acreage 1000 shares is now 33 shares ish so pretty much a lost cause. A sneaky theft by incompetence, if that's what it is. I can't help the nagging feeling that Team Klein gutted both these companies for the sole purpose of grabbing up anything of value for the new CUSA holding company that seems to be privately held, not that it would matter because no shareholder in his right mind would have approved all of the craziness that has us in this situation.\
A shooting might be too good for this fancy fenagling dealing orchestrators that has totally ignored retail shareholders or should I say bagholders.
Those 33 shares are worth 3.3 Canopy shares except for the other creative deal designed by the sheisters that Canopy had to hit $5 per share to receive that beat down conversion but didn't so no shares are showing up in my account.
Long Term Acreage shareholders are wiped out and the Acreage B shares have dissappeared from being listed so I guess they are wiped out too.
Securities and stock watchdogs should be all over this like a fat kid on a smarty with lawyers hot on their donkey.
This has caused great physical and mental pain for those shareholders like myself that trusted that our management team and directors were taking care of our interests. Klein has been salving his concern with $40 million renumeration as he exits left for the new guy to clean up the mess of disgruntled shareholders that are feeling robbed by the inside people, an inside job as it were!
I can see why that guy in NY took out that ceo of the pharma company. It seems like an appropriate penalty that would circumvent the bullshyt that would be thrown up by the Securities people who are supposed to represent disgruntled shareholders.
It would take a shortsqueeze and forward splits to fix this and make me whole.
glta and dyodd