Post by
finishitoff on Jul 27, 2000 4:32pm
Buy guy who are you?
Quit hyping this company we want REAL information, not some promotional hype so that you can sell your cheap paper into the 40 cent bid. I really question why the company still has the present I.R. group involved with the RUMORED generous salary. What are these people running the company out to lunch.. IF you are going to spend money on I.R. at least get people buying the stock. We don't need someone to come in for 1000 shares. Try like 200,000 shares, to start. Hope the new group that may come to the market comes. Anything is better than nothing. I'd be interested in how much money the company has left in the till as supposedly there are now 15 employees growing to 23 by Christmas. Where are all the sales from these 8.2 million (U.S. dollars) in contracts or is this hypothetical sales? The new directors coming on board should be benificial to the company longer term but will they stay for the long term. I hope they aren't made a lot of promises which aren't fulfilled, as it seems this has been the pattern here. Anyways 30's are possible selling may come out of Canaccord, I.P.O. and maybe Yorkton and Wolverton. Hope there are buyers.