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Taiga Motors Corp TAIMF

Taiga Motors Corporation is a Canada-based company, which is reinventing the powersports landscape with electric off-road vehicles. The Company is focused on research and development, design, production, marketing and distribution of all-electric powersport vehicles. The first models released include a lineup of electric snowmobiles and personal watercraft to deliver to recreational and commercial customers. The Company has developed electric snowmobiles and personal watercraft vehicles. It completed deliveries of 145 vehicles, which consisted of 43 Orca Carbons personal watercraft and 102 Nomad snowmobiles to customers in Canada and the United States. Its Montreal headquarters contain its two leased facilities totaling approximately 180,000 square feet. The Company is developing its Montreal facility.

GREY:TAIMF - Post by User

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  • GreenStockNewsX
Post by GreenStockNewson Aug 10, 2023 10:40am
Post# 35581674

Taiga Motors (TSX: TAIG) Launches New Orca Performance Elect

Taiga Motors (TSX: TAIG) Launches New Orca Performance Elect
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