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Tandem Diabetes Care Inc TNDM

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. is a global insulin delivery and diabetes technology company, which manufactures and sells advanced automated insulin delivery systems. Its pump portfolio features the Tandem Mobi system and the t:slim X2 insulin pump, both of which feature Control-IQ advanced hybrid closed-loop technology. Its t:slim X2 and Tandem Mobi pumps can be used with a variety of infusion sets to offer patients choice in how and where their pump is worn. In addition, they are software updatable from a personal computer and compatible with its Web-based data management application. Both pumps feature its Control-IQ advanced hybrid closed loop technology, with an automated insulin delivery (AID) feature designed to help increase a user's time in targeted glycemic range. There are two primary therapies used by people with insulin-dependent diabetes, Multiple Daily Injection (MDI) and insulin pumps. As part of it AID systems, it offers pump integration with multiple CGM sensors.

NDAQ:TNDM - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Oct 01, 2024 10:47pm
Post# 36249463

Why Tandem Diabetes Care Stock Took It on the Chin Tuesday

Why Tandem Diabetes Care Stock Took It on the Chin Tuesday
BREAKING NEWS: $TNDM Why Tandem Diabetes Care Stock Took It on the Chin Tuesday2024-10-01 17:39:23 ET An analyst issued the equivalent of a warning on Tandem Diabetes Care (NASDAQ: TNDM) stock on the second trading day of the week and, absent any other news for the company, some investors traded out of it. This left Tandem's shares with a more than 3% loss in ...TNDM - Why Tandem Diabetes Care Stock Took It on the Chin Tuesday

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