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TOMI Environmental Solutions Inc TOMZ

TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. is a bacteria decontamination and infectious disease control company. The Company is engaged in offering environmentally friendly solutions for indoor air and surface disinfection and decontamination. Its flagship product, SteraMist, uses its patented and registered Binary Ionization Technology (BIT) to deliver a low-percentage (7.8%) hydrogen peroxide-based fog or mist to affect all indoor environments and surface areas. SteraMist generates ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (iHP) using cold plasma science. Its products and services include SteraPak, SteraMist Surface Unit, SteraMist Environment System, SteraMist Total Disinfection Cart, SteraMist Transport, NV+, SteraMist Custom Engineered System, SteraMist Hybrid, SteraMist Integrated System, Stainless Steel 90 Degree Applicator and iHP Corporate Service Decontamination. The Company’s business is organized into five divisions: Healthcare, Life Sciences, TOMI Service Network, Food Safety and Commercial.

NDAQ:TOMZ - Post by User

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  • AviseAnalyticsX
Post by AviseAnalyticson Aug 25, 2023 9:26am
Post# 35605085



Thrilled to share an article discussing TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ), a worldwide corporation that specializes in disinfection and decontamination using its advanced Binary Ionization Technology (BIT) platform under the SteraMist brand.

This corporation is acknowledged for its exceptional and patented disinfectant commodities that surpass those of its competitors. During Q2 FY23, TOMI experienced a significant boost in income (90% more than the previous year's period) due to a rise in demand, sales partnerships, and improved distribution channels - all of which indicate positive prospects for the company.

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