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Texas Instruments Inc TXN

Texas Instruments Incorporated is a global semiconductor company. The Company designs, manufactures, tests, and sells analog and embedded processing chips for markets, such as industrial, automotive, personal electronics, communications equipment, and enterprise systems. The Company’s segments include Analog and Embedded Processing. The Analog segment includes product lines, such as Power and Signal Chain. Power includes products that help customers manage power in electronic systems. Signal Chain includes products that sense, condition, and measure real-world signals to allow information to be transferred or converted for further processing and control. The Embedded Processing segment includes microcontrollers, digital signal processors (DSPs) and applications processors. The Company also offers DLP products (primarily used to project high-definition images), calculators and certain custom semiconductors known as application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).

NDAQ:TXN - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Oct 23, 2024 2:45pm
Post# 36278989

Texas Instruments Inc. (NASDAQ: TXN) Making Surprising Moves

Texas Instruments Inc. (NASDAQ: TXN) Making Surprising Moves
JUST IN: $TXN Texas Instruments Inc. (NASDAQ: TXN) Making Surprising Moves in Wednesday SessionTexas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ: TXN) has caught the attention of the investment community today with its bullish price action. The company's shares have moved 3.44% on the day to $200.64. Texas Instruments Incorporated designs, manufactures, and sells semiconductors to electronics desi...TXN - Texas Instruments Inc. (NASDAQ: TXN) Making Surprising Moves in Wednesday Session

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