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Aton Resources Inc V.AAN

Alternate Symbol(s):  ANLBF

Aton Resources Inc. is a Canada-based gold exploration and development company located in Egypt's Arabian-Nubian Shield. The Company is focused on its 100% owned Abu Marawat Concession (Abu Marawat), located in Egypt's Arabian-Nubian Shield, approximately 200 kilometers (km) north of Centamin's world-class Sukari gold mine. It has identified numerous gold and base metal exploration targets at Abu Marawat, including the Hamama deposit in the west, the Abu Marawat deposit in the northeast, and the Rodruin deposit in the south of the Concession. The Abu Marawat Deposit is a high-grade gold-copper vein deposit located 35 km to the northeast of Hamama. Two historic British gold mines are also located on the Concession at Semna and Sir Bakis. The Abu Marawat exploitation lease is approximately 57.66 square kilometers (km2) in size, covering the Hamama West and Rodruin mineral deposits. The Concession also includes an additional 255.0 km2 of exploration areas at Abu Marawat.

TSXV:AAN - Post by User

Post by sdhakaon Sep 17, 2024 5:41pm
Post# 36227976

How do you think Aton Resources' additional financing

How do you think Aton Resources' additional financing
How do you think Aton Resources' additional financing from its largest shareholder will impact its project development timeline? With a $10M unsecured loan from OU Moonrider, Aton is receiving continued support, signaling strong confidence in its portfolio. The company is advancing multiple gold projects in Egypt, with 0.83 Moz AuEq across two NI 43-101 compliant projects. Management aims to bring one project into production by 2026 and complete maiden resource estimates for two others next year. FRC analysts see this financing as a positive step for Aton’s future.
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