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Azincourt Energy Corp V.AAZ

Alternate Symbol(s):  AZURF

Azincourt Energy Corp. is a Canada-based resource exploration and development company focused on the alternative fuels/alternative energy sector. The Company’s core projects are in the clean energy space, with uranium exploration projects in the prolific Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, and lithium/uranium projects on the Picotani Plateau, Peru. Its projects include the East Preston Project, and the Big Hill Lithium Project. The Company has a 90% interest in the 25,000 hectares (ha) eastern portion of the Preston project. The Big Hill Lithium Project is a 7,500 ha Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum exploration property located in southwestern Newfoundland, Canada. Big Hill is host to numerous granite dykes that cut through Burgeo granite. The Company’s wholly owned subsidiary is Minera Azincourt Energy S.A.C.

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  • hockeytownX
Comment by hockeytownon Jan 30, 2024 11:59pm
Post# 35854161

RE:I told them flying was cheaper, they must have listened

RE:I told them flying was cheaper, they must have listenedI'm a little disappointed that last year they were supposed to drill 6000 metres and ended up only drilling 3000 metres, for some reason they are going into East Preston close to the end of February and only drilling 5 holes, but from last years drilling they some how think they are in the right area  and going back in to see if they are going to hit uranium  let's all hope for the best and they hit uranium in 2024.
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