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Alaska Hydro Corp V.AKH.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  ALKHF

Alaska Hydro Corporation is a Canada-based development-stage company. The Company is engaged in the development of renewable energy projects focused primarily on hydroelectric power generation for resource development in northern climates. The Company is working to develop the More Creek Hydroelectric Project, which is located approximately 130 kilometers north of the town of Stewart in northwestern British Columbia. The Project stores water at the head of the More Creek canyon using an 84-meter-high roller compacted concrete dam to create a water storage reservoir. The size of the water storage reservoirs is approximately 3000 hectares at full operating level with a live storage (useable) volume of approximately 870 million cubic meters. The Company's More Creek Hydroelectric Project generates approximately 306 gigawatt hours of energy annually.

TSXV:AKH.H - Post by User

Post by Hunk33on Aug 22, 2024 6:52pm
Post# 36192696

l wish never put a nickle in this faked stock

l wish never put a nickle in this faked stockThere is nothing in this faked stock , its justy air balloon, just air inside, everyone put money in it will never get 1cent back, l am sure 100%.
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