Post by
Stockmoves1 on May 31, 2024 11:16am
Summer Doldrums
June is a slow period for Gold and likely shorts are banking on a Gold pull they may or may not get. Anyones guess what is around the corner, but for now TUD is solid at .71 and R at .84 .. AMK likely taps .105 with .11 being the buy .. It hit 10 once b4 so I am not saying it will not happen again but I take this opportunity to get a full load once more. Interesting how a monh ago AMK was so much stronger than TUD now the opposite. Plays into rumor and the bully nature of the MM. Trust your instincts and top up on this pull if you haven't already. We have to be one of the most undervAlued plays in the sector. So unless the lads can take TUD to .59 11 screams buy ..
Comment by
paydirtontario on May 31, 2024 1:44pm
Nothing surprises me anymore, including single digits Hopefull for a deal / partnership So long as they keep buying oil with gold bars we should see $3000