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Azucar Minerals Ltd V.AMZ

Alternate Symbol(s):  AXDDF

Azucar Minerals Ltd. is a Canada-based mineral exploration and development company. The Company is engaged in acquisition and exploration of mineral resource properties in Mexico and acquisition of property and equipment in Canada. The Company is focused on exploration of the El Cobre project in Veracruz, Mexico. The El Cobre Property claim block covers approximately 11,860 hectares, which contains copper-gold porphyry mineralization over a strike length of at least four kilometers (km). The property is located adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico approximately 75 km northwest of the city of Veracruz in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The Company has discovered five copper-gold porphyry zones within the property along an approximately four to five km trend, stretching from Norte down to Encinal in the southeast. The El Cobre Project is consistent with the porphyry copper-gold-silver-molybdenum (Cu-Au+/-Ag+/-Mo) deposit model.

TSXV:AMZ - Post by User

Post by argaivon Apr 04, 2021 2:40am
Post# 32934698

It Does Not Appear

It Does Not AppearFrom the comments of a newsletter writer it is my understanding this project is not capable of being a stand alone project.   The resource is just not large enough, and from what I can see in the drill results the copper grades are not high enough.  I only have shares from teh spin out from Almaden.  I remmber when this stock was really hitting some great holes and the share price was well over $1.50.
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