Post by pegasus28on Feb 22, 2022 5:27pm
Post# 34451839
worst investment ever
worst investment everI've made a lot of bad investments in the junior mining sector in the last 40 years but this has to be the worst.Look at the mess they've made of their Almaden mining company.An unmitigated disaster.They've pissed off the locals to such a degree i'm convinced there will never be a mine.Making an investment with the Poquin family is like receiving the kiss of death.We're almost 2 months into the new year and still no date for renewed drilling?We must be getting close to exhausting our financial reserves.Can you just imagine how many tens of millions of new shares at insanely cheap prices are going to dilute the share float?They'd probably be better off pulling the plug on this loser and finding a better property.