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Apex Resources Inc V.APX

Alternate Symbol(s):  SLMLF

Apex Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company engaged in the business of the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral resource properties. The Company has a portfolio of properties, including Jersey-Emerald tungsten-zinc mine in southern British Columbia (BC) and the Ore Hill gold property in southern BC. The Jersey-Emerald property is located in southeastern BC, about 50 kilometers (km) south of the town of Nelson and eight km southeast of the community of Salmo. It consists of approximately 120 mineral claims and 44 crown grants over an area of approximately 17,500 hectares (ha). The Ore hill Gold-Silver Property is located about 15 km east of the mining town of Salmo in southern BC, Canada. The 2,000-ha, road accessible property is situated at the south end of the 10 km long Sheep Creek Gold Camp with gold production of almost 800,000 ounces at an average gold grade of 14.4 g/t. The Ore Hill property covers the Ore Hill and Summit gold mines.

TSXV:APX - Post by User

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Comment by TELEMARKERon Nov 15, 2021 6:27pm
Post# 34129481

RE:Halted one year Nov 18 2020

RE:Halted one year Nov 18 2020The Commission notified the Company on November 19, 2020 that the reports submitted in October, 2020 are unacceptable and that the Company will be subject to the Cease Trade Order until: (1) the Company files a technical report to support the Company's earlier disclosure made in its May 26, 2016 Management Discussion and Analysis related to the Jersey-Emerald Property and in its January 22, 2018 news release related to the Kena-Daylight Property; and (2) the Executive Director of the Commission has revoked the Cease Trade Order.

The Company is presently reviewing all options to correct this situation as quickly as possible. Once the required disclosure has been filed, the Company will seek to have the Cease Trade Order revoked. The Company will provide updates as and when warranted.
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