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Altima Energy Inc V.ARH

Alternate Symbol(s):  ARSLF

Altima Energy Inc. is an oil and gas exploration and production company with a strategic focus on unlocking the potential of hydrocarbon assets across North America. The Company’s assets are located at relatively shallow depths (approximately 1,200 meters) and producing light-medium oil (34°API). Its assets are located in both Central Alberta and Northwest Alberta and provide a balanced mix of light oil and sweet natural gas. The Central Alberta site focuses on light oil extraction and covers an area of approximately 5,920.5 acres. Its Northwest Alberta site focuses on sweet natural gas and covers an area of approximately 3,840 acres. It also owns an additional area of approximately 800 acres. It has a Crown Petroleum and Natural Gas lease tracts totaling approximately 1,408 hectares (3,479 acres) offsetting the Richdale operated field, located in Eastern Alberta. The Richdale Field includes producing wells and essential infrastructure that support efficient resource extraction.

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Post by JETS7on Aug 19, 2024 2:17pm
Post# 36186388

Oil and gas

Oil and gasDid some work up in red earth area for the native council about 5 years ago in general conversation back then they were waiting for some development in the natural gas area have not been back since but there are resources in that part of Alberta 
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