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55 in England. The NEL LPC has 375 pharmacies alone.
The local organisation for community pharmacy is the Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC). The LPC is the focus for all community pharmacists and community pharmacy owners and is an independent and representative group. The LPC works locally with NHS England Area Teams, CCGs, Local Authorities and other healthcare professionals to help plan healthcare services.
The LPC negotiates and discusses pharmacy services with commissioners and is available to give advice to community pharmacy contractors and others wanting to know more about local pharmacy. LPCs liaise closely with their medical equivalent the Local Medical Committee so that GPs and pharmacists can work together to deliver services to patients. LPCs also work closely with Local Dental Committees (LDCs) and Local Optical Committees (LOCs).
There are around 55 LPCs throughout England. For more information on your LPC including contact details, please visit LPC Online.
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