Comment by a2bmanon Sep 19, 2024 8:38am
Post# 36230600
RE:Why doesnt the co call this schmuck and make an offer
RE:Why doesnt the co call this schmuck and make an offerForkme its paul rivett who owns tavir. He must still be fighting with his ex partner from torstar jordan bitov who also owns a shiiteload of shares in bet.
well now i know why nobody is calling this guy up. hes going to be a pric and hammer this thing for fun, and the rest of them arent going to give him anything for it. So its a standstill, just let it crash until hes out. At the rate hes going its going to take 10 months. But I wouldnt be surprised if he drifts off for a little then comes back and hammers it when they try and move it.
I now feel little sorry for Moskowitz having to deal with these 2 morons, but you make your own bed, ill just put this on back burner for a few years, but leave a few bids around .05-.03. Hopefully patience will pay off eventually.