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Boron One Holdings Inc V.BONE

Alternate Symbol(s):  ERVFF

Boron One Holdings Inc. is a Canada-based international mineral exploration and development company with its assets in Serbia. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of its resource properties. Its project includes Piskanja. Piskanja is located in a historical mining region with infrastructure for mining, including roads, rail, electric power, experienced miners, and others. The site is situated 250 kilometers (km) south of Belgrade, Serbia, accessible by paved roads. Lithology at Piskanja is typical of sedimentary basins, primarily consisting of shales, marls, and limestone, with two primary gently undulating borate beds. The mineralization is primarily dense, compact colemanite with some ulexite. The Company’s subsidiary is Balkan Gold Corp.

TSXV:BONE - Post by User

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  • blueboron99X
Comment by blueboron99on Oct 31, 2024 2:00pm
Post# 36290994

RE:RE:RE:RE:I'm pleased to announce that after the news release.

RE:RE:RE:RE:I'm pleased to announce that after the news release.L&L,

FYI, our one and only share consolidation which occurred Aug 25/17 was just under 317M shares outstanding. It would be great if Mgmt doesn't initiate another PP & pursue another rollback.
Keep in mind if another rollback shiould rear its ugly head, it applys to everyone including Mgmt.

My preference is Balkan Gold receives the transferable Exploitation license for the Pobrdje mine from Ibar Mines promptly. Then with preapproved bank financing hires a Mining Engineer Contractor to inspect & bring the mine up to the neccessary safety standards to commence mining operations.
Hire the unemployed coal miners from Beljevac to become our boron miners at Pobrdje.

Cashflow at Pobrdje will occur allot sooner than any revenue generated from Piskanja and we are going to need quick, cashflow to pay for Part 3 costs due Sept 25/25.
Another option to pay for Part 3 costs would be for a Strategic Partner to commit to Piskanja and pay the full costs of Part 3.
Just some solutions to prevent another PP and share cosolidation events from occurring.
IMO, as soon as an Exploitation license is awarded on the Piskanja property the fireworks will commence with a Partner(s) and off-take Agreements announced.

I don't envision us engaged in Mine Construction as that is a task of a Major, who has $, staff & technical expertise to construct the mine by the due date of Sept 25/30 for mine production.
You could say Piskaja is nearly gift wrapped for a sale? 

Regarding your questions of yesterday, I have no clue what the duties of our admin staff entails.
I suspect there would be allot of admin work for two Companies.
Some tasks that come to mind-
financial statements twice/year, auditing 1/year, PP's admin, recording meeting minutes,budgeting, & other miscellaneous tasks. 
If you want specifics I would imagine BF would know, give him a call.


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